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100% Vegan Food
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Naturally nutritious

A chef and a food technologist meet. The chef says: “Let’s make something delicious.” The technologist answers: “Sure, but please make it quick, natural, vegan and suitable for all.” Not easy, especially when it comes to vegetable stock. It takes a long time to make, between the chopping, cook time and straining. And the stock itself is just the basis for the desired dish... Fortunately, there are people who are passionate about ensuring that good, tasty nutrition and stressful everyday life are not mutually exclusive. Those people are Swen and Maja from SweMa. Not only do their high-quality vegetable stocks offer the best ingredients and a wonderfully natural taste, but above all – time. And that without sacrificing quality. This makes SweMa products doubly worthwhile for us.

100% stock. 100% organic. 100% quality.

Vegetable stock with an emphasis on vegetables: raw vegetables, rock salt and spices. Nothing else. All agricultural ingredients are certified organic and come from European farming. Wherever possible, the vegetables come directly from organic farmers in the region. And the rock salt is mined in Germany in Saxony-Anhalt. Much more mineral-rich and natural than sea salt, without microplastic residues or any other contaminants.

Stock for all!

Whether you’re a professional or a hobby chef, a salad lover or a barbecue master – SweMa’s versatile vegetable stocks have something to offer for every taste. And for just about every dish, from soup to marinated tofu. As a base for cooking or as an additive for seasoning: SweMa makes it easy for you to find the right flavour every time. For discerning dinner guests and feeding hungry mouths at the kid’s table. With SweMa’s stocks, everyone gets a taste.