Wholly indulgent
The French lifestyle is known to be all about pleasure. There's no bigger advocate that pleasure can go hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle than the brand Pural. It was founded back in 1907 as a bakery with a clear vision: “Pur Aliment”, i.e. that natural/pure foodstuffs should be readily available. And its traditional wholegrain baked goods captured the spirit of the times even back then.
From bakery to reform company
The company was entered in the commercial register by members of the philanthropic society in Paris in 1928. This coincided with the trialling of one of the oldest environmentally friendly cultivation methods in agriculture in Germany. The anthroposophical and reform movement developed almost in tandem over a period of decades and came to shape the range of the entire Pural brand.
Organic pioneers for 100 years
In the 80s the name Pur Aliment was shortened to Pural and established as a brand. Pural was the first in the organic sector to offer meat alternatives made from soya and plant-based patés, among other things – a genuinely pioneering achievement. With almost 100 years of history behind it, the company’s range now features more than 300 organic and demeter-quality products, ranging from delicious rye, spelt and wholegrain bread, rusks and corn chips right through to vegan double cookie rolls.